How To Eliminate Acne Naturally In 5 Effective Steps

By Cory Arkson

A lot of suffers of acne have a problem on how to eliminate acne and pimples. Pimples are usually pus-filled and red in color, appearing most times on the face, chest or back. You often times get the urge to crush them, they are red in color, painful in nature and usually pus-filled. Crushing them would only leave you with acne scars and this is really unacceptable. Recent research has however made it possible to clear your acne fast naturally.

How To Eliminate Acne - Eliminate Acne naturally and Easily


Wash your face at least once a day using an oil-free cleanser, twice a day if you have oily skin. Wash gently to prevent damage to your acne using a soap with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which helps fight bacteria and pimples.

Step 2

Apply a facial lotion to the skin when dry. Choosing a cream designed for acne-prone skin is essential for your skin not to lose the softness and beauty, use non-comedogenic, which means it will not clog the pores of your face. The method used is easy, simply apply a thin layer all over your face.

Step 3

Remove dead cells from the your facial skin's surface 1 or 2 times a week. This will also help get rid of dirt and bacteria. To avoid irritating the skin do not wash the skin with the scrub, rather gently rub the scrub into the skin instead. Use smoothly continuous motions to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of baking soda and some water on the affected parts.

Step 4

How to remove acne - Drink water every day

Drinking water every day about 8 to 10 glasses of water is necessary if you want to remove acne on your face and other parts of the body. The water will allow your body dispose of toxins from your body which will help your pores to not get clogged thus preventing the formation of new breakouts.

Step 5

Attempting to get rid of your pimples by squeezing them would only makes matters worse because it would cause crusting and scarring. It would also spread bacteria underneath your skin resulting in the production of more acne.

Things you'll need to do and get to eliminate acne naturally

Wash face

non-comedogenic lotion to help moisturize the skin

A scrub based on sodium bicarbonate

Following the 5 steps listed above about How To Eliminate Acne would get you great results.

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