Reasons Why Many Companies Choose To Offer An 0845 Number

By Ria Davey

Many companies decide to use non-geographic numbers, for instance 0845, as their business phone number prefix. There are numerous advantages for utilising an 0845 number, both to the business and the customers. Some business telecom companies will be able to create a new phone number for a business for just a minimal fee.

The main advantage of the client for telephoning an 0845 number, is the fact that wherever in Great Britain they're calling from, they should only be charged the price of a local rate call. It has been confirmed that businesses usually see they have a greater response to an advert if they have an 0845 number available. These extra calls may help to increase sales and improve profitability. As existing customers don't need to pay a lot for calls to contact the company, greater communication should occur between the business and also the customers, which can also help to increase customer loyalty and retention.

0845 numbers can also be often easier for any customer to keep in mind and look more attractive when printed on marketing materials. Most customers recognise an 0845 number as a trustworthy number from a legitimate business and will be more likely to telephone the number. As the number is non-geographic, it can give a company the impression of being nationwide.

Another excellent benefit for using 0845 numbers, are the fact that calls may be diverted. For instance, for smaller businesses where there could be occasions in which there is nobody working in the office during work hours, calls may be diverted to a cell phone. This will mean that no valuable business is lost and communication channels are kept to an optimum all of the time.

Business telecom firms in addition have the cabability to 'point' the 0845 number to an existing landline. Even in case you change offices, the calls will still be received from the same phone number. This means that the organisation will be able to keep the same phone number, which saves massive costs on advertising literature and company stationery. There are lots of great reasons behind a business to utilize an 0845 number and they are very easy to have installed.

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